Why are horses great for mental health?
La Cosecha will be a place of flourishing. And for some that will mean first being a place of healing.
In the natural setting of La Cosecha, nature alone can provide its magical healing touch. Soaking in the soothing rhythms of nature, far from the deadening effects of asphalt and concrete, the mind grows attuned to the therapeutic energies of trees, grasses, flowers, and the gentle whispers of the wind or rain.
Add horses, and the therapeutic effect of nature is magnified.
Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) has been proven to alleviate a range of emotional and behavioral challenges. From depression and anxiety to trauma and conduct disorders, EAT can provide significant benefits in learning, perception, judgment, social skills and communication to name only a few.
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“There is no better place to heal a broken heart than on the back of a horse.” - Missy Lyons
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Feelings of rejection, which will be common to many La Cosecha kids, can be healed through the bonds developed with our horses. Reductions in anxiety, along with increases in mindfulness, trust and self-esteem are frequently witnessed as the result of this therapy.
What’s more, children assisted by Equine Assisted Therapy learn self-acceptance, self-control, and assertiveness, all of which will pay deep and lasting psychological and emotional dividends for children too long neglected and forgotten.